IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Next Hop Routing Protocol (NHRP)

This chapter describes Next Hop Routing Protocol (NHRP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: NHRP.001 caller_string detected ext offst incorrect

Long Syntax: NHRP.001 caller_string detected ext offset too small or too big

Description: Extension offset is either too small or too large. If too large then the buffer is not big enough to include the specified extension.

Cause: Either Extension offset is wrong or the MTU is truely not big enough or there's an internal error.

Action: Verify the extension offset is valid. Resize the MTU for the network.



Short Syntax: NHRP.002 addr family mssmtch in caller_string: rcvd fh_AddressFamily vs cached family

Long Syntax: NHRP.002 addr family missmatch in caller_string: we received fh_AddressFamily and our cache is family

Description: While processing the specified process, we detected that the Address Family we received is not what's in our cache.



Short Syntax: NHRP.003 addr family fh_AddressFamily !supprtd in caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.003 addr family fh_AddressFamily not supported in caller_string

Description: While process the specified process, we detected that the Address Family we received is not one that we support.



Short Syntax: NHRP.004 in caller_string, detctd a loop proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.004 while in caller_string, we detected that an NHRP frame is in a loop proto_addr.

Description: While processing an NHRP Packet, we found that we have processed this packet once before.

Cause: There is a real loop detected or someone else is using the same IP address as we are.

Action: Double check that there is not a duplicate IP address being used in the network.



Short Syntax: NHRP.005 sbntwrk id rcvd subnet_id not cfigd on nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.005 subnetwork ID rcvd subnet_id not configured on the net network ID

Description: Not on the same switched connected network. The switched connected network have been subdivided. The sender is sending to a switched connected network that is not configured to be the same subnetwork.



Short Syntax: NHRP.006 nll ext not last found by caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.006 null extension found in the middle of the extensions by caller_string

Description: The null extension was found in the middle of the extension list.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.007 proc sbntwrk id ext in rply

Long Syntax: NHRP.007 processing subnetwork id ext in a reply

Description: Processing a subnetwork ID extension in a reply.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.008 proc sbntwrk id ext in req

Long Syntax: NHRP.008 processing subnetwork id ext in a request

Description: Processing a subnetwork ID extension in a request.



Short Syntax: NHRP.009 rspndr addr ext len=0 in rply

Long Syntax: NHRP.009 responder address ext length is zero is a reply

Description: While processing the transit extensions in a reply, found the responder address extension length equal zero. This means that the responder erroneously didn't fill in the extension.



Short Syntax: NHRP.010 unexpctd err hndlng in res_ext_hndlr

Long Syntax: NHRP.010 unexpected error handling in the res_ext_handler

Description: This is the default case of the common error handling for the IBM vendor private extension.



Short Syntax: NHRP.011 unspprtd cmp ext ext_type rcvd in caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.011 unsupported compulsory extension ext_type received in caller_string

Description: We do not have support for the specified compulsory extensions.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.012 rspndr addr ext rcvd respndr_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.012 responder address extension reply received respndr_addr

Description: The specified address is the responder that returned the reply.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.013 transit_ext_type transit ext rsp rcvd

Long Syntax: NHRP.013 transit_ext_type transit extension response received

Description: This identifies the type of transit extension (forward or reverse) The next event lists the NHS's.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.014 nhs: nhs_paddr

Long Syntax: NHRP.014 nhs: nhs_paddr

Description: This address is one of the nhs in the above extension. The order it is displayed is the order in the extension.



Short Syntax: NHRP.015 unrcgnzd ext type ext_type in caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.015 unrecognized extension type ext_type in caller_string reply

Description: Client didn't send the extension but the extension is in the reply.

Cause: This could be an internal bug, we sent the extension in the request but forgot to add processing to process the extension in the reply.

Action: fix the code.

Cause: Someone is adding extensions to our request packets.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.016 lsi paddr= proto_addr, mac= mac_addr, atm= atm_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.016 Lane Shortcuts to paddr= proto_addr, mac= mac_addr, atm= atm_addr

Description: A call to Lane Shortcut Interface to set up the NHRP Data Direct VCC to the specified addresses.



Short Syntax: NHRP.017 invld ATM addr rcvd atm_addr atm_saddr in caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.017 invalid ATM addr received atm_addr atm_saddr in caller_string

Description: The ATM address rcvd is not valid.



Short Syntax: NHRP.018 caller can't parse the frame at address frame_address.

Long Syntax: NHRP.018 caller cannot parse the frame at address frame_address.

Description: Caller cannot parse the frame at the given address.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: NHRP.019 Trace NHRP/MPOA Ctrl pkt.

Long Syntax: NHRP.019 Trace NHRP/MPOA Ctrl pkt.

Description: NHRP/MPOA control frame packet tracing.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.020 caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.020 caller_string

Description: Common information.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.021 integer

Long Syntax: NHRP.021 integer

Description: This integer comes from an old TYPEN() call, from the days when we did not use ELS. See definitions in mscs.h.



Short Syntax: NHRP.022 Could not xmit pkt to protocol_address, out net intf net_number

Long Syntax: NHRP.022 Could not transmit NHRP packet to protocol_address, out network interface net_number

Description: Could not transmit NHRP packet

Cause: Routed path does not exist to this protocol address

Action: Repair routed path for sending protocol data to this protocol address (eg, IP).


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.023 fwding res reqst for destination_addr to nhrp_server_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.023 forwarding resolution request for dest= destination_addr to nhs= nhrp_server_addr

Description: NHRP Resolution Request is being forwarded



Short Syntax: NHRP.025 caller can't xmit purge pkt to client= cli_net_addr/ cli_node_addr for dest_addr= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.025 caller can't send purge pkt to client= cli_net_addr/ cli_node_addr for destination address= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr

Description: The specified caller can't Purge information.



Short Syntax: NHRP.026 cant get memory for struct_type in caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.026 can not get memory for struct_type in caller_string

Description: Cannot get memory for the structure specified in the specified routine.



Short Syntax: NHRP.027 nak nhrp_client_addr for route_type_text route to dest= destination_addr because reason_text

Long Syntax: NHRP.027 nak to client addr nhrp_client_addr for route_type_text shortcut route to destination destination_addr because reason_text

Description: NHRP Server cannot satisfy request received by client

Cause: The detailed reason is explained in reason_text

Action: No action is required, but reason_text can help determine how to possibly stop NAKs for this client/destination.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.028 rcvd res reqst from nhrp_client_addr for destination_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.028 received resolution request from nhrp_client_addr for destination_addr

Description: NHRP Server received a Resolution Request


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.029 xmit purge pkt to client= nhrp_client_addr for dest_addr= destination_addr w/ prefix= prefix

Long Syntax: NHRP.029 Sending purge pkt to client= nhrp_client_addr for destination address= destination_addr with prefix= prefix

Description: Purge Packet transmit information.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.030 function_name: general_message

Long Syntax: NHRP.030 function_name: general_message

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.031 function_name: general_message general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.031 function_name: general_message general_code

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.032 function_name: general_message general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.032 function_name: general_message general_code

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.033 function_name: general_message proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.033 function_name: general_message proto_addr

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.034 function_name: general_message proto_addr1/ proto_addr2

Long Syntax: NHRP.034 function_name: general_message proto_addr1/ proto_addr2

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.035 function_name: general_message proto_addr1/ proto_addr2/ proto_addr3

Long Syntax: NHRP.035 function_name: general_message proto_addr1/ proto_addr2/ proto_addr3

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.036 Exclude lst match for: ip_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.036 Exclude list match for: ip_addr

Description: NHRP cannot process all or part of the NHRP packet because there is an IP address in the packet that matches one that is configured in the NHRP exclude list.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.037 caller_string dtctd potential mac chgs so attempt to send purge

Long Syntax: NHRP.037 caller_string detected potential mac changes, so attempt to sen purge

Description: Potential Level 2 changes detected on the Lane Shortcut Interface server side, therefore, attempt to send an NHRP Purge if necessary.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.038 caller_string cant get L2 parms, retries exceeded, attempt to send Purge

Long Syntax: NHRP.038 caller_string cannot get L2 parms, retries exceeded, attempt to send Purge

Description: Lane Shortcut Interface server waited for Level 2 parameters to be retrieved but ran out of retries. So attempt to send an NHRP Purge.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.039 caller_string dtctd cache_type has reached its limit

Long Syntax: NHRP.039 caller_string detected that the cache_type has reached its limit

Description: The NHS/MPS has reached the cache limit for the specified cache. Reconfigure the cache limit if necessary.



Short Syntax: NHRP.040 caller_string dtctd err with proto addr= proto_addr, type= type, table= table

Long Syntax: NHRP.040 caller_string detected error with protocol addr= proto_addr, type= type, table= table

Description: We can't get a mib entry based on the protocol address.



Short Syntax: NHRP.041 function_name: general_message general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.041 function_name: general_message general_code

Description: The message is the description.



Short Syntax: NHRP.042 function_name: No dest for frame, rc = general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.042 function_name: No destination for this frame, rc = general_code

Description: There is no destination address for this frame.



Short Syntax: NHRP.043 function_name: No src for frame, rc = general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.043 function_name: No source for this frame, rc = general_code

Description: There is no source address from which to send this frame.



Short Syntax: NHRP.044 function_name: Can't crush frame, rc = general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.044 function_name: Unable to crush NHRP frame, rc = general_code

Description: Unable to crush the local (internally used) NHRP frame before transmitting on the network.



Short Syntax: NHRP.045 function_name: Can't expand frame, rc = general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.045 function_name: Unable to expand NHRP frame, rc = general_code

Description: Unable to expand the NHRP frame for the local (internally used) copy.



Short Syntax: NHRP.046 function_name: Proto protocol_type not handled

Long Syntax: NHRP.046 function_name: Protocol protocol_type not handled by NHRP

Description: Addresses of this protocol type are unsupported in the current release of NHRP.

Cause: Function passing in a protocol address of a type that is not supported by NHRP.

Action: None



Short Syntax: NHRP.047 function_name: No data_type available

Long Syntax: NHRP.047 function_name: No data_type could be allocated

Description: No structures of type data_type could be allocated.

Cause: No memory is available to allocated to a new structure.

Action: None



Short Syntax: NHRP.048 function_name: No ATM info for proto_addr, rc = general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.048 function_name: Could not get ATM info for proto_addr, rc = general_code

Description: Could not retrieve the ATM address for this protocol address.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.049 New RIF= new_rif, Current RIF= current_rif

Long Syntax: NHRP.049 New RIF= new_rif, Current RIF= current_rif

Description: The RIF associated with the parameters for a shortcut is different from the one that is currently being used for this shortcut. Both RIFs are non-NULL. The new RIF will now be associated with this shortcut.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.050 function_name: general_message

Long Syntax: NHRP.050 function_name: general_message

Description: The message is the description.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.051 New RIF= new_rif, Current RIF=NULL

Long Syntax: NHRP.051 New RIF= new_rif, Current RIF=NULL

Description: The RIF associated with the parameters for a shortcut is non-NULL. This is different from the NULL RIF currently in use. The new non-NULL RIF will now be associated with this shortcut.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.052 New RIF=NULL, Current RIF= current_rif

Long Syntax: NHRP.052 New RIF=NULL, Current RIF= current_rif

Description: The RIF associated with the parameters for a shortcut is now NULL. This is different from the non-NULL RIF currently in use. The RIF associated with this shortcut will be changed to NULL.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.053 fwding frame for dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr to nhs_net_addr/ nhs_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.053 forwarding req/rep for dest/src= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr to nhs= nhs_net_addr/ nhs_node_addr

Description: NHRP Resolution Request is being forwarded


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.054 function_name: Timer type timer_type timer_state for CCE: proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.054 function_name: Timer type timer_type timer_state for ClientCacheElement: proto_addr

Description: none



Short Syntax: NHRP.055 caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.055 caller_string

Description: none


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.056 function_name: VCs marked down for destination_protocol_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.056 function_name: VCs marked down for destination_protocol_addr

Description: The VC for this destination protocol has been closed or become invalid, so it has been marked down in the NHRP cache.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.057 function_name: Function currently unimplemented

Long Syntax: NHRP.057 function_name: Function currently unimplemented

Description: This function is not currently implemented, so it does nothing.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.058 function_name: NextHop (1483 or LSI) will not bypass proto_addr1

Long Syntax: NHRP.058 function_name: NHRP NextHop (1483 or LSI) will not bypass proto_addr1

Description: The 1483 or LSI NextHop received in Resolution Reply is the same as the routed-path NextHop.



Short Syntax: NHRP.060 function_name: general_message

Long Syntax: NHRP.060 function_name: general_message

Description: The message is the description.



Short Syntax: NHRP.061 function_name: general_message general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.061 function_name: general_message general_code

Description: The message is the description.



Short Syntax: NHRP.062 function_name: general_message general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.062 function_name: general_message general_code

Description: The message is the description.



Short Syntax: NHRP.063 function_name: general_message proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.063 function_name: general_message proto_addr

Description: The message is the description.



Short Syntax: NHRP.064 function_name: NHRP vers mismatch, vers = general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.064 function_name: NHRP version mismatch, version = general_code

Description: An NHRP frame was received with wrong version number.



Short Syntax: NHRP.065 function_name: Checksum not 0: general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.065 function_name: Checksum not 0: general_code

Description: A frame was received whose checksum did not compute to 0.



Short Syntax: NHRP.066 function_name: addr_name proto_addr not cached

Long Syntax: NHRP.066 function_name: addr_name proto_addr not cached

Description: This address was not found in the client cache.



Short Syntax: NHRP.067 function_name: Hold time 0 rcvd from proto_addr1 for proto_addr2

Long Syntax: NHRP.067 function_name: Holding time of 0 received from proto_addr1 for proto_addr2

Description: A Holding time of 0 was received in response to a Resolution Request.



Short Syntax: NHRP.068 function_name: Can't match MTU for netp general_pointer

Long Syntax: NHRP.068 function_name: Can't provide correct MTU size for netp general_pointer

Description: There is no netp available that can be used for the MTU returned in the reply.



Short Syntax: NHRP.069 function_name: Rcvd fragment, length = general_length

Long Syntax: NHRP.069 function_name: Received a fragment, length = general_length

Description: The frame received was just a fragment.



Short Syntax: NHRP.070 function_name: general_message

Long Syntax: NHRP.070 function_name: general_message

Description: The message is the description.



Short Syntax: NHRP.071 function_name: NAK rqst sent from local client proto_addr1 for dest proto_addr2, Code = reply_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.071 function_name: NAK for request made by local client proto_addr1 for destination proto_addr2, Code = reply_code

Description: A NAK was received for local client proto_addr1 for request that it made for proto_addr2 if reply_code is non-zero; otherwise, client forced NAK by processing reply as if it were a NAK.



Short Syntax: NHRP.072 caller_string rc = integer

Long Syntax: NHRP.072 SNMP interface function caller_string returned error (rc = integer)

Description: SNMP interface function returned an error


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.073 NHRP LSI AddrStateChg (Active): nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.073 NHRP LSI AddrStateChg (Active): nt network ID

Description: This NHRP LSI network has received an address state change from the switch. This means that the address ESI and SEL have been registered with the switch. NHRP LANE shortcuts can now be set up over this interface.



Short Syntax: NHRP.074 NHRP LSI GetAddrByHandle rc= return_code: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.074 NHRP LSI GetAddrByHandle rc= return_code: nt network ID

Description: While attempting to get the address from the switch, an error was detected.



Short Syntax: NHRP.075 NHRP LSI OpenCallSap rc= return_code: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.075 NHRP LSI OpenCallSap rc= return_code: nt network ID

Description: While attempting to open a call sap, an error was detected. A call sap is required in order to place or receive ATM calls to a remote destination.



Short Syntax: NHRP.076 NHRP LSI Addr Deactivated!: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.076 NHRP LSI Addr Deactivated!: nt network ID

Description: The ATM address for this NHRP LSI was deactivated. All calls are deleted. This NHRP LSI will be waiting for the address to be reactivated.



Short Syntax: NHRP.077 NHRP LSI Addr Refused!: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.077 NHRP LSI Addr Refused!: nt network ID

Description: The requested address has been refused by the switch.

Cause: The likely cause is that a duplicate MAC address is already registered with the switch.



Short Syntax: NHRP.078 NHRP LSI AddrStChg unknown: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.078 NHRP LSI AddrStChg unknown: nt network ID

Description: The Address State Change function was invoked, but the requested state is unknown.



Short Syntax: NHRP.079 NHRP LSI OpenDataPath failr( return_code): nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.079 NHRP LSI OpenDataPath failr( return_code): nt network ID

Description: When attempting to open up a data path with the specified parameters, a failure occured. The call will be hung up with the appropriate cause code.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.080 NHRP LSI PlaceCallAck: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.080 NHRP LSI PlaceCallAck: nt network ID

Description: A call that we have placed has been received and acknowledged by the remote destination. We will open up a data path to the remote side, and will begin transmitting and receiving on the VCC.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.081 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: NULL CORRELATOR received

Long Syntax: NHRP.081 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: NULL CORRELATOR received

Description: A call was released immediately before we received it.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.082 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.082 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: nt network ID

Description: Either a call already active, or a call that we are placing has been released. The reason for the release is shown in additional ELS messages. This is a normal occurance. If the channel is required, we will reinitiate it.

Cause: Either the network or the remote user has released the call.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.083 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: rsn= reason_code, cause= cause_code, diagLen= diag_len, diagData[0]= diag_data

Long Syntax: NHRP.083 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: rsn= reason_code, cause= cause_code, diagLen= diag_len, diagData[0]= diag_data

Description: The information in this message is the reason for which the call has been released.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.084 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: vpi= vcc_vpi, vci= vcc_vci, AtmAddr= vcc_remote_atm_address

Long Syntax: NHRP.084 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall: vpi= vcc_vpi, vci= vcc_vci, AtmAddr= vcc_remote_atm_address

Description: The information in this message is the channel vpi/vci, and remote atm address of the channel that is being disconnected.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.085 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall WalkDwn PCR= walk_down_PCR, SCR= walk_down_SCR:nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.085 NHRP LSI DisconnectCall WalkDwn PCR= walk_down_PCR, SCR= walk_down_SCR:nt network ID

Description: The call that was released, was released due to cell rate. The NHC code will attempt to walk down to commonly used data rates in order to establish a connection with the target listed in NHRP_XX(used to be ARP_48).

Cause: Either the network or the remote user has released the call due to cell rate mismatches.



Short Syntax: NHRP.086 NHRP LSI Register failure (rc= return_code): nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.086 NHRP LSI Register failure (rc= return_code): nt network ID

Description: This NHRP LSI has failed to register as a user to the underlying device driver and net handler. This NHRP LSI will be inoperable.

Action: Reboot the router and contact the appropriate service personnel.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.087 NHRP LSI Register successfull: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.087 NHRP LSI Register successfull: nt network ID

Description: This NHRP LSI has successfully registered with the underlying device driver and net handler. This is normal initialization.



Short Syntax: NHRP.088 NHRP LSI OpnBffFrmSap Failed (rc= return_code): nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.088 NHRP LSI OpnBffFrmSap Failed (rc= return_code): nt network ID

Description: This NHRP LSI has failed while opening a buffered frame sap. This is caused by an internal error. This NHRP LSI will be inoperable.

Action: Reboot the router and contact the appropriate service personnel.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.089 NHRP LSI Address Activation pending: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.089 NHRP LSI Address Activation pending: net network ID

Description: This NHRP LSI has initiated the sequence that registers it's ATM address with the switch. When the registration completes, another message of Address State change will be logged describing the status of the NHRP LSI's ATM address.

Action: No action required. This is normal processing.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.090 NHRP LSI Address Activation success: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.090 NHRP LSI Address Activation success: nt network ID

Description: This NHRP LSI has been successful at activating an address.



Short Syntax: NHRP.091 NHRP LSI AAL IE:Not prsnt, or Invld AAL type (x AAL_type)

Long Syntax: NHRP.091 NHRP LSI AAL IE:Not present, or Invalid AAL type (x AAL_type)

Description: Invalid AAL type, AAL type should be AAL5



Short Syntax: NHRP.092 NHRP LSI AAL IE:Invld fwd max SDU sz ( fwd_max_SDU_size)

Long Syntax: NHRP.092 NHRP LSI AAL IE:Invalid forward maximum SDU size ( fwd_max_SDU_size)

Description: Forward maximum SDU size is not valid



Short Syntax: NHRP.093 NHRP LSI AAL IE:Invld bak max SDU sz for P2P call ( bak_max_SDU_size)

Long Syntax: NHRP.093 NHRP LSI AAL IE:Invalid backward maximum SDU size for Point-to-Point Call ( bak_max_SDU_size)

Description: For a point-to-point call, the backward maximum SDU size is invalid



Short Syntax: NHRP.094 NHRP LSI No Next Hop @ match: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.094 NHRP LSI No Next Hop Address match: net network ID

Description: While attempting to set up a shortcut, the corresponding data structures for the NHRP LSI were not found. It appears that the initialization of the NHRP LSI did not complete successfully.



Short Syntax: NHRP.095 NHRP LSI Invld user or frm sap hndl: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.095 NHRP LSI Invalid user or frame sap handle: nt network ID

Description: While attempting to set up an SVC, the NHRP LSI user handle or frame sap handle was NULL.



Short Syntax: NHRP.096 NHRP LSI Call sap invld: nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.096 NHRP LSI Call sap invalid: network network ID

Description: While attempting to set up an SVC, the NHRP LSI user does not have a valid call sap.



Short Syntax: NHRP.097 NHRP LSI atmPlaceCall Failure (rc= return_code): nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.097 NHRP LSI atmPlaceCall Failure (rc= return_code): net network ID

Description: While attempting to set up an SVC, the services of the device driver returned a value other than SUCCESS.



Short Syntax: NHRP.098 NHRP LSI atmPlaceCall Failure destination: Atm@= vcc_remote_atm_address

Long Syntax: NHRP.098 NHRP LSI atmPlaceCall Failure destination: AtmAddr= vcc_remote_atm_address

Description: While attempting to set up an SVC, the services of the device driver returned a value other than SUCCESS. This is the addresses of the remote station that we are attempting to establish a VCC with.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.099 NHRP LSI atmPlaceCall Success: Atm@= atm_address nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.099 NHRP LSI atmPlaceCall Success: AtmAddr= atm_address net network ID

Description: A call was successfully placed. This channel should show up on the new channel list. It has not yet been answered. When it is answered, a PlaceCallAck message will appear in the log.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.100 Function function_name called, nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.100 Function function_name called, on network network ID

Description: NHRP LSI function called



Short Syntax: NHRP.102 NHRP LSI: Inbnd data rcvd frm ATM@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.102 NHRP LSI: Inbound data received from ATM Address= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: The NHRP LSI has received data over a VCC. This should not occur since all NHRP LSI VCCs should be transmit only VCCs. The NHRP LSI will mark this ATM address as unusable and no other shortcuts will be set up to it.

Action: correct the situaion so that the LEC at the other end of the NHRP LSI VCC does not send data. reboot the router.



Short Syntax: NHRP.103 NHRP LSI: Invld Shrtct Atm@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.103 NHRP LSI: Invalid Shortcut Atm Addr= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: An NHRP LSI has been requested to set up a shortcut to an ATM address which has previously been determined to be unusable. This is a result of the NHRP LSI having previously received data over a VCC from this same ATM address. All NHRP LSI VCCs are transmit only.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.104 NHRP LSI: New Shrtct Rqst NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr Atm@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.104 NHRP LSI: New Shortcut Request Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr Atm Addr= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: An NHRP LSI has been asked to set up a shortcut to a Next Hop for which no current shortcut is active. This is normal and a shortcut will now be set up to this new Next Hop.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.105 NHRP LSI: Mdfy Shrtct Rqst NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr Atm@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.105 NHRP LSI: Modify Shortcut Request Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr Atm Addr= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: An NHRP LSI has been requested to set up a shortcut to a Next Hop for which there is already a shortcut. The parameters passed with this request will be checked against the parameters of the currently active shortcut and any changes in the new parameters will be reflected in the current shortcut.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.106 NHRP LSI: MAC @ Chngd NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr New MAC@= new_mac_addr Crrnt MAC @= current_mac_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.106 NHRP LSI: MAC Address Changed Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr New MAC Addr= new_mac_addr Current MAC Addr= current_mac_addr nt network ID

Description: The mac address of the destination associated with an existing shortcut has been found to have changed.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.107 NHRP LSI: Delete Shrtct Rqst NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.107 NHRP LSI: Delete Shortcut Request Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr nt network ID

Description: A request to delete a shortcut has been received and will be executed.



Short Syntax: NHRP.108 NHRP LSI: VCC Setup Err NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr Atm@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.108 NHRP LSI: VCC Setup Error Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr Atm Addr= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: The return code to a request to set up a VCC indicates that the VCC was not set up. Prior ELS messages should indicate the reason for this situation.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.109 NHRP LSI: RIF Chngd NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr Atm@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.109 NHRP LSI: RIF Changed Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr Atm Addr= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: The routing information field (rif) associated with an existing shortcut has been found to have changed.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.110 NHRP LSI: Hldng Time Reset NxtHp@= next_hop_prot_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.110 NHRP LSI: Holding Time Reset Next Hop Addr= next_hop_prot_addr nt network ID

Description: The holding time parameter passed to the NHRP LSI is greater than the current time to live associated with an existing shortcut. The existing shortcut will be modified to reflect the new holding time.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.111 NHRP LSI: Cntrl Frame direction Atm@= atm_addr nt network ID

Long Syntax: NHRP.111 NHRP LSI: Control Frame direction Atm Addr= atm_addr nt network ID

Description: A control frame has been received by an NHRP LSI.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: NHRP.112 Trace NHRP LSI data packet

Long Syntax: NHRP.112 Trace NHRP LSI data packet

Description: Trace NHRP LSI data packet


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: NHRP.113 Trace NHRP LSI control packet

Long Syntax: NHRP.113 Trace NHRP LSI control packet

Description: Trace NHRP LSI control packet



Short Syntax: NHRP.114 caller_string is passed a ibm lec net

Long Syntax: NHRP.114 caller_string is being passed a non-forum compliant lec net

Description: We do not support lane shortcuts to IBM LECs.



Short Syntax: NHRP.115 caller_string dtctd invld ATM addr tl= addr_tl or sub addr tl= sub_addr_tl

Long Syntax: NHRP.115 caller_string detected invalid ATM address type/len= addr_tl or sub address type/len= sub_addr_tl

Description: Either the type or the length field of the addr or sub address is not valid.



Short Syntax: NHRP.116 caller_string cant get the ccb

Long Syntax: NHRP.116 caller_string can not get the ccb for 1483 transmit

Description: We can't get the ccb to do 1483 transmits.



Short Syntax: NHRP.117 caller_string cant find the atmarp side car

Long Syntax: NHRP.117 caller_string can not find the atmarp side car

Description: The atmarp side car is not there.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.118 caller_string connction exsts w/ autorfrsh set, arp ent cant be owned by NHRP

Long Syntax: NHRP.118 caller_string detects existing connection with autorefresh configured

Description: Atm connection already exists. Auto refresh is configured so NHRP cannot own this arp entry.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.119 caller_string new arp ent being added

Long Syntax: NHRP.119 caller_string new arp entry being added.

Description: NHRP is adding an arp entry to the atmarp.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.120 caller_string holding time updated

Long Syntax: NHRP.120 caller_string holding time updated

Description: Lowered the holding time to what's in the arp entry.



Short Syntax: NHRP.121 caller_string detctd unexpctd ATM addr changed

Long Syntax: NHRP.121 caller_string detected unexpected ATM address changed

Description: This is an unexpected ATM address change.



Short Syntax: NHRP.122 caller_string rdatm is null for corrspndng macrd= macrd_elem

Long Syntax: NHRP.122 caller_string rdatm element is null for the associated macrd element= macrd_elem

Description: if macrd element exist then the corresponding rdatm must exist. There must be an internal bug that caused this.



Short Syntax: NHRP.123 caller_string rdatm= rdatm_elem is not pting back to the corrspndng macrd= macrd_elem

Long Syntax: NHRP.123 caller_string rdatm= rdatm_elem is not pointing back to the associated macrd element= macrd_elem

Description: if macrd element exist then the corresponding rdatm must exist. The rdatm element is not pointing back to the macrd element. There must be an internal bug that caused this.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.124 caller_string detctd a protocol, mac or ri change

Long Syntax: NHRP.124 caller_string detected a protocol, mac or ri change

Description: A Protocol, MAC or RI change was detected in the function call.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.125 caller_string free learp mac-atm elem for mac addr= mac_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.125 caller_string free learp mac-atm element for mac addr= mac_addr

Description: Free LEARP_MAC_ATM_ENTRY for the specified mac address.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.126 caller_string free learp rd-atm elem for next_rd= next_rd

Long Syntax: NHRP.126 caller_string free learp rd-atm element for the next route descriptor= next_rd

Description: Free LEARP_RD_ATM_ENTRY for the specified next route descriptor.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.127 caller_string free learp mac-rd elem for nxt hp addr= prot_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.127 caller_string free learp mac-rd element for next hop addr= prot_addr

Description: Free LEARP_MAC_RD_ENTRY for the specified ip address.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.128 caller_string dtctd hldng time exprd for mac addr= mac_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.128 caller_string detected holding time expired for mac addr= mac_addr

Description: Holding time has expired for the LEARP MAC-ATM Element Entry.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.129 caller_string dtctd hldng time exprd for next_rd= next_rd

Long Syntax: NHRP.129 caller_string detected holding time expired for next route descriptor= next_rd

Description: Holding time has expired for the LEARP RD-ATM Element Entry.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.130 caller_string rfrsh ent for mac addr= mac_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.130 caller_string refresh entry for mac addr= mac_addr

Description: Refresh the LEARP MAC-ATM Element Entry for the specified mac address.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.131 caller_string rfrsh ent for next_rd= next_rd

Long Syntax: NHRP.131 caller_string refresh entry for next route descriptor= next_rd

Description: Refresh the LEARP RD-ATM Element Entry for the specified next route descriptor.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.132 LEC arp timer timed out for mac addr= mac_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.132 LEC's arp timer timed out for mac addr= mac_addr

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for the specified MAC address but didn't get a reply.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.133 LEC arp timr timed out for next_rd= next_rd

Long Syntax: NHRP.133 LEC's arp timer timed out for next route descriptor= next_rd

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for the specified route descriptor but didn't get a reply.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.134 LEC rcvd LE_ARP rply for mac addr= mac_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.134 LEC received LE_ARP reply for mac addr= mac_addr

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for the specified MAC address and got a reply.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.135 LEC rcvd LE_ARP rply for next_rd= next_rd

Long Syntax: NHRP.135 LEC received LE_ARP reply for next route descriptor= next_rd

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for the specified route descriptor and got a reply.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.136 LEC rcvd LE_ARP rply but atm addr changed, new addr= atm_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.136 LEC received LE_ARP reply but atm address changed, new addr= atm_addr

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for a specified MAC address or Route Descriptor, and detected a change in the ATM address.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.137 entry exists in LEC's arp table for mac_addr= mac_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.137 entry exists in LEC's arp table for mac_addr= mac_addr

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for the specified MAC address but didn't get a reply.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.138 entry exists in LEC's arp table for next_rd= next_rd

Long Syntax: NHRP.138 entry exists in LEC's arp table for next route descriptor= next_rd

Description: NHRP triggered an LEARP for the specified route descriptor but didn't get a reply.



Short Syntax: NHRP.139 LEC arp tbl is full, nhrp cant get entry

Long Syntax: NHRP.139 LEC's arp table is full, nhrp cannot get an entry

Description: LEC's arp table is full and nhrp cannot get an entry. get a reply.

Action: Configure the LEC's arp table size to a larger value.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.140 LEC notifd NHRP of a tplgy change in net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.140 LEC has notified NHRP of a topology change in net= net_no

Description: LEC notified NHRP that there's been a topology change.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.141 call_string retrvd MAC addr succssflly from ARP for proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.141 call_string retrieved MAC address successfully from ARP for proto_addr

Description: NHRP calls the ARP code to get the MAC address. If it can't get the MAC, NHRP waits a second before retrying.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.142 call_string found element_type elemnt in del pendng

Long Syntax: NHRP.142 call_string found element_type element in delete pending state

Description: The caller found an learp element in delete pending state.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.143 call_string cant find element_type elemnt

Long Syntax: NHRP.143 call_string cannot find element_type element

Description: The caller cannot find the learp element.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.144 caller_string detctd LE_Regstrtn faild for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.144 caller_string detected LE_Registration failed for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Description: NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN failed.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.145 caller_string detctd LE_Regstrtn workd for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.145 caller_string detected LE_Registration worked for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Description: NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN was successful.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.146 LE_Regstrtn pendng for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.146 LE_Registration pending for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Description: NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN is pending.



Short Syntax: NHRP.147 Cant send LE_Regstrtn for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.147 Cannot send the LE_Registration for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Description: LEC having problems sending the LE_Registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.148 entry expird for element_type= mac_addr but LE_Regstrtn pendng

Long Syntax: NHRP.148 entry expired for element_type= mac_addr but LE_Registration pending

Description: The holding time for NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN has expired. However, there's a LE_Registration outstanding. This entry will not be deleted now.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.149 LE_Regstrtn entry expird for element_type= mac_addr and markd to be deltd

Long Syntax: NHRP.149 LE_Registration entry expired for element_type= mac_addr and marked to be deletd

Description: The holding time for NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN has expired. The entry is marked to be deleted.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.150 LE_Regstrtn entry expird for element_type= mac_addr unreg the entry

Long Syntax: NHRP.150 LE_Registration entry expired for element_type= mac_addr, unregister the entry

Description: The holding time for NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN has expired. The entry is marked to be deleted. This entry was registered successfully so NHRP will now unregister the entry.



Short Syntax: NHRP.151 caller_string detctd invalid lsi lan_type= lan_type

Long Syntax: NHRP.151 caller_string detected invalid lsi lan_type= lan_type

Description: NHRP does not recognize the Lane Shortcut Interface lan_types.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.152 LANE shrtct to one of our int = ip_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.152 LANE shortcut to one of our interface= ip_addr

Description: NHRP is allowing a shortcut to one of the NHS's LEC IP address.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.153 NHS rcvd Res Req

Long Syntax: NHRP.153 NHS received Resolution Request

Description: NHS has received a resolution request.



Short Syntax: NHRP.154 caller_string dtctd src or dst proto len err

Long Syntax: NHRP.154 caller_string detected source or destination protocol length error

Description: Caller detected protocol length error.



Short Syntax: NHRP.155 nak src_net_addr/ src_node_addr for route_type_text route to dest= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr because reason_text

Long Syntax: NHRP.155 nak to addr src_net_addr/ src_node_addr for route_type_text shortcut route to destination dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr because reason_text

Description: NHRP Server cannot satisfy request received by client

Cause: The detailed reason is explained in reason_text

Action: No action is required, but reason_text can help determine how to possibly stop NAKs for this client/destination.



Short Syntax: NHRP.156 Could not delete Imp Cache entry for dest= proto_addr, pfx= prefix, cid= cacheid

Long Syntax: NHRP.156 Could not delete Imposition Cache entry for dest= proto_addr, prefix= prefix, cacheid= cacheid

Description: Deleting an Imposition Cache entry for e-mpc initiated purge failed



Short Syntax: NHRP.161 caller_string dtctd dst unreachable to proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.161 caller_string detected destination unreachable to proto_addr

Description: The caller has no route to the specified destination.



Short Syntax: NHRP.162 caller_string dtctd hop count exceeded in the NHRP fwd pkt

Long Syntax: NHRP.162 caller_string detected hop count exceeded in the NHRP forward packet.

Description: Caller is forwarding NHRP packet but exceeded the hop count.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.163 caller_string cant get 1483 ATM addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.163 caller_string cannot get 1483 ATM address

Description: Caller is cannot get 1483 ATM address must queue the request and try again later.



Short Syntax: NHRP.164 caller_string dtctd err in the q mngmnt for queue_type

Long Syntax: NHRP.164 caller_string detected error in the queue management for queue_type

Description: Caller detected error while processing an element on a queue. There is a missmatch in the size of the queue and what's queued.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.165 caller_string cant get MAC or corresponding ATM addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.165 caller_string cannot get MAC or corresponding ATM address

Description: Caller is cannot get either the MAC or the corresponding ATM address must queue the request and try again later.



Short Syntax: NHRP.166 caller_string invalid rc from called_function

Long Syntax: NHRP.166 caller_string invalid return code from called_function

Description: Caller encountered invalid return code.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.167 NHS sending a reply_type to src_proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.167 NHRP Server sending a reply_type to src_proto_addr

Description: NHRP Server is sending a the specified reply to the specified client.



Short Syntax: NHRP.168 NHS cant send a ResReply to src_proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.168 NHRP Server cannot send a Resolution Reply to src_proto_addr

Description: NHRP Server cannot send a Resolution Reply to the specified client.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.169 caller_string ARP/LEARP was successful

Long Syntax: NHRP.169 caller_string ARP and/or LEARP was successful

Description: Caller got the MAC and or ATM address needed to send a Resolution Reply.



Short Syntax: NHRP.170 Zero Hop Cli snding a RegReq

Long Syntax: NHRP.170 Zero Hop Client is sending a Registration Request.

Description: Zero Hop or Route Switching Client is sending a Registration Request.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.171 caller_string forwarding packet_type pkt

Long Syntax: NHRP.171 caller_string forwarding packet_type packet

Description: Caller is forwarding the specified packet type.



Short Syntax: NHRP.172 caller_string cant forward packet_type pkt

Long Syntax: NHRP.172 caller_string cannot forward packet_type packet

Description: Caller cannot forward the specified packet.

Cause: NHS is not permitted to the next hop or the nexthop's net is not NHRP enabled or the nexthop's net is not switch connected to input net.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.173 caller_string rcvd a packet_type pkt destined to me

Long Syntax: NHRP.173 caller_string received a packet_type packet destined to me

Description: Caller received the specified packet type destined to the NHS/MPS.



Short Syntax: NHRP.174 NHS dtctd a Proto-ATM mapping chg on a RegRequest spcfd as unique..src= proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.174 NHS detected Protocol-ATM mapping change on a RegRequest specified as unique..source= proto_addr

Description: NHRP Server detected a Protocol and ATM mapping change on a refresh of a registration request that was specified as unique.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.175 NHS ran out of mem for client registrations

Long Syntax: NHRP.175 NHS ran out of memory for client registrations

Description: NHRP Server ran out of memory to serve client registrations.

Cause: Either NHS cannot get memory or we have reached the configured number of clients to be registered.



Short Syntax: NHRP.176 caller_string cant recgnz the NHRP pkt type = packet_type_value

Long Syntax: NHRP.176 caller_string cannot recognize the NHRP packet type = packet_type_value

Description: The caller does not recognize the NHRP Packet Type.



Short Syntax: NHRP.177 caller_string dtctd NHRP pktsz= pktsize greater than the input net's MTU= mtu

Long Syntax: NHRP.177 caller_string detected NHRP packet size= pktsize greater than the input net's MTU= mtu

Description: NHRP packet size is greater than the MTU of the input net. The MTU is maximum data size minus the LLC.



Short Syntax: NHRP.178 caller_string dtctd NHRP pktsz= pktsize greater than bytes rcvd= bytes_rcvd

Long Syntax: NHRP.178 caller_string detected NHRP packet size= pktsize greater than bytes received= bytes_rcvd

Description: NHRP packet size is greater than bytes received.



Short Syntax: NHRP.179 caller_string dtctd bytes rcvd= bytes_rcvd greater than max pkt size= max_pkt_sz

Long Syntax: NHRP.179 caller_string detected NHRP bytes received= bytes_rcvd greater than max packet size= max_pkt_sz

Description: NHRP bytes received is greater than the maximum data size for this net.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.180 caller_string dtctd iniatlst == NULL implies IP not in the box

Long Syntax: NHRP.180 caller_string detected iniatlst == NULL implies IP not in the box

Description: IP is not configured in this NHS/MPS.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.181 caller_string dtctd no IP defined on the physical net= net_num

Long Syntax: NHRP.181 caller_string detected that no IP address is defined on the physical net= net_num

Description: No IP address is configured on the physical net. This may limit NHRP shortcuts.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.182 caller_string using anthr net= net_num to allw shrtcts

Long Syntax: NHRP.182 caller_string using another net= net_num to allow shortcuts

Description: NHRP tries to find a different comparable net for shortcuts.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.183 caller_string no alternate net found for shrtcts

Long Syntax: NHRP.183 caller_string no alternate net found for shortcuts

Description: Can't find an alternate interface to allow shortcuts on.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.184 caller_string rcvd NHRP pkts on intrfce= net_num

Long Syntax: NHRP.184 caller_string received NHRP pkts on interface= net_num

Description: Received NHRP packets on an interface that does not have NHRP enabled.



Short Syntax: NHRP.185 caller_string cant recgnz the dest_type = dest_type_value

Long Syntax: NHRP.185 caller_string cannot recognize the dest_type = dest_type_value

Description: The caller does not recognize the dest_type.



Short Syntax: NHRP.186 caller_string called n_send() but it cant send the NHRP pkt

Long Syntax: NHRP.186 caller_string called n_send() but it cannot send the NHRP packet

Description: n_send returned a bad return code.



Short Syntax: NHRP.187 caller_string called w/ bad input parm

Long Syntax: NHRP.187 caller_string called with bad input parameter

Description: One of the input parameter is incorrect.



Short Syntax: NHRP.188 caller_string cant find the nxthp to send NHRP/MPOA Packet

Long Syntax: NHRP.188 caller_string cannot find the nexthop to send NHRP/MPOA Packet

Description: Can't send the NHRP Packet out any interface.



Short Syntax: NHRP.189 caller_string cant recgnz proto_state = proto_state

Long Syntax: NHRP.189 caller_string cannot recognize the proto_state = proto_state

Description: The caller does not recognize the enable protocol bit pattern.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.190 caller_string NHRP initialized on net = net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.190 caller_string NHRP initialized on network number = net_no

Description: Notification that an NHRP enabled net has been initialized.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.191 caller_string NHRP enbld net = net_no is down.

Long Syntax: NHRP.191 caller_string NHRP enabled net = net_no is down.

Description: Notification that an NHRP enabled net is down.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.192 Rcvd Err Ind w/ err code= error_code, err offset= error_offset, from= from_proto_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.192 Received Error Indication w/ error code= error_code, error offset= error_offset, from= from_proto_addr

Description: Notification that an Error Indication Packet is received and targeted to us.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.193 caller_string rcvd err rc from IP Route Table for ip_addr: rte= rte, inrretyp= inrretyp

Long Syntax: NHRP.193 caller_string received error return code from IP Routing Table for ip_addr: rte= rte, inrretyp= inrretyp

Description: Notification that there is a ip routing error.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.194 caller_string rcvd a req for ip_addr which is one of our proto addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.194 caller_string received a request for ip_addr, which is one of our protocol address

Description: We received a request to shortcut to one of our protocol addresses.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.195 caller_string rcvd out_net=sink net from IP Route Table for ip_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.195 caller_string received out_net=sink net from IP Routing Table for ip_addr

Description: The output net from the IP Routing Table call is a sink net.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.196 caller_string cant route dest, no explicity defined NHRP IP Servers

Long Syntax: NHRP.196 caller_string cannot route dest, there is no explicity defined NHRP IP Servers

Description: We cannot use the routed path to route NHRP Packet and there are no NHRP IP Servers defined.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.197 caller_string scan routing tbl bcause change occurred since last scan

Long Syntax: NHRP.197 caller_string scan routing table because change has occurred since last scan

Description: Notification that NHRP is scanning the routing table.



Short Syntax: NHRP.198 Invalid prefix= prefix_flag in caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.198 Invalid prefix flag= prefix_flag detected in caller_string

Description: Detected an invalid prefix flag.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.199 caller_string did not dtct mac chgs so no purge triggered.

Long Syntax: NHRP.199 caller_string did not detect mac changes, so no purge is triggered.

Description: No Level 2 changes detected on the Lane Shortcut Interface server side, therefore, no NHRP Purge is sent.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.200 caller_string waiting for L2 parms to be retrieved bfore chgs can be dtctd

Long Syntax: NHRP.200 caller_string waiting for L2 parms to be retrieved before changes can be detected

Description: Lane Shortcut Interface server must wait for Level 2 parameters to be retrieved before it can detect any changes to send an NHRP Purge.



Short Syntax: NHRP.201 ATM netids mismatch on nt in_net (netid in_netid) and nt out_net (netid out_netid)

Long Syntax: NHRP.201 ATM network-ids mismatch on net in_net (netid in_netid) and net out_net (netid out_netid)

Description: Inbound net and outbound net are not on same switched connected network. The ATM network-ids of the inbound net and outbound net are configured with different values.



Short Syntax: NHRP.202 Cant send LE_Unregstrtn for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.202 Cannot send the LE_Unregistration for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Description: LEC having problems sending the LE_Unregistration of a MAC/RD and ATM address that does not belong in this ELAN


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.203 caller_string Cant register existing MAC/RD with new ATM addr for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.203 caller_string Cannot register existing MAC/RD with new ATM address for element_type= mac_addr on net= net_no

Description: NHRP's registration of a MAC/RD and ATM address failed


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.204 caller_string Rings not unique in merged RIF (ring ring_no)

Long Syntax: NHRP.204 caller_string Ring numbers not unique in merged RIF (ring ring_no)

Description: Merged RIF for 0-hop routing is in error


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.205 caller_string Merged RIF too long (driflen= rif_len sriflen= rif_len mriflen= rif_len)

Long Syntax: NHRP.205 caller_string Merged RIF exceeded MAX_RIF_LEN (dest riflen= rif_len, src riflen= rif_len, merged riflen= rif_len)

Description: Merged RIF for 0-hop routing is too long


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.206 caller_string No free virtual RDs

Long Syntax: NHRP.206 caller_string All virtual route-descriptors are in use

Description: All virtual Route-Descriptors are in use



Short Syntax: NHRP.207 caller_string retd failure for mac= caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.207 caller_string returned failure for mac address= caller_string

Description: The LEC code returned failure when trying to get local_flag for 0-hop client


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.208 0-Hop detd bridging type mismatch between mac= caller_string and mac= caller_string

Long Syntax: NHRP.208 0-Hop detected transparent and source-route bridges between mac= caller_string and mac= caller_string

Description: The 0-Hop routing incompatibility due to mixed bridging types


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.209 0-Hop rings overlap on net= net_no

Long Syntax: NHRP.209 0-Hop virtual ring range overlapping with another router on net= net_no

Description: Warning user to configure non-overlapping 0-Hop virtual ring ranges



Short Syntax: NHRP.210 caller_string dtctd no 0-hop reg tbl alloc on net= net_num

Long Syntax: NHRP.210 caller_string detected that 0-hop registration table is not allocated on net= net_num

Description: 0-hop registration table was not allocated on this net



Short Syntax: NHRP.211 Function caller_string, no valid LSI net on intf net_num

Long Syntax: NHRP.211 Function caller_string called, no valid LSI net found on interface net_num

Description: NHRP LSI net SRAM record is not defined or is in Rel 1.1 format



Short Syntax: NHRP.212 packet_type not rcvd; cannot snd packet_type pkt; inbound/outbound rqst-id inbound_request_id/ outbound_request_id

Long Syntax: NHRP.212 packet_type not received; therefore, cannot send packet_type for inbound/outbound Request-ID inbound_request_id/ outbound_request_id

Description: Cannot send packet_type reply because corresponding reply not received

Cause: NHRP or MPOA is disabled or misconfigured in one of the routers along the routed path

Action: Find where the packet is being dropped


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.213 MPOA 1483 cntrl VC dwn reason= reason_code, cause= cause_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.213 MPOA 1483 control VCC down reason= reason_code, cause= cause_code

Description: External MPS or MPC brought down VCC



Short Syntax: NHRP.214 Could not xmit pkt to atm_addr, out net intf net_number

Long Syntax: NHRP.214 Could not transmit NHRP packet to atm_addr, out network interface net_number

Description: Could not transmit MPOA/NHRP packet to MPC/MPS

Cause: VCC to atm_addr has not become active

Action: Check status of external device identified with atm_addr


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.215 ip_addr is LEC on net intf net_number, but it's not an MPC/MPS

Long Syntax: NHRP.215 ip_addr is LEC on network interface net_number, but it's not an MPC/MPS

Description: The ip_addr on the ELAN associated with net_number is not an MPC/MPS

Cause: MPOA is not enabled/supported on one side or the other

Action: No action required if NHRP packet is being received at ip_addr; however, if the LEC associated with ip_addr is an MPC or MPS, check configuration of both sides


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.216 Add purge entry for dest_addr= destination_addr, prefix= prefix, nh= next_hop_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.216 Adding new purge cache entry for destination address= destination_addr, prefix= prefix and nh= next_hop_addr

Description: Adding new purge cache entry


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.217 Purge Cache: comment nhrp_client= nhrp_client_addr, for dest_addr= next_hop_addr, nh=

Long Syntax: NHRP.217 Purge Cache info: comment nhrp client= nhrp_client_addr, for destination address= next_hop_addr and nh=

Description: Purge Cache information.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.218 Purge Cache: comment MPC for dest_addr= nhrp_client_addr, nh= next_hop_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.218 Purge Cache info: comment MPC for destination address= nhrp_client_addr and nh= next_hop_addr

Description: Purge Cache information.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.219 Cache Imp msg: rid= reqid, dest= dest_addr, pfx= prefix, cid= cacheid, ht= holding_time, nt= netno

Long Syntax: NHRP.219 Cache Imposition msg: reqid= reqid, dest= dest_addr, prefix= prefix, cacheid= cacheid, htime= holding_time net= netno

Description: MPOA Cache Imposition Request/Reply


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: NHRP.220 Trace MPOA KeepAlive pkt.

Long Syntax: NHRP.220 Trace MPOA KeepAlive pkt.

Description: MPOA KeepAlive control frame packet tracing.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.221 rcvd res reqst from src_net_addr/ src_node_addr for dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.221 received resolution request from src_net_addr/ src_node_addr for dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr

Description: NHRP Server received a Resolution Request


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.222 xmit purge pkt to client= cli_net_addr/ cli_node_addr for dest_addr= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr w/ prefix= prefix

Long Syntax: NHRP.222 Send purge pkt to client= cli_net_addr/ cli_node_addr for destination= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr with prefix= prefix

Description: Purge Packet transmit information.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.223 function_name: general_message proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.223 function_name: general_message proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.224 function_name: general_message pr_net_ad1/ pr_node_ad1 pr_net_ad2/ pr_node_ad2 pr_net_ad3/ pr_node_ad3

Long Syntax: NHRP.224 function_name: general_message pr_net_ad1/ pr_node_ad1 pr_net_ad2/ pr_node_ad2 pr_net_ad3/ pr_node_ad3

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.225 Exclude lst match for: pr_net_addr/ pr_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.225 Exclude list match for: pr_net_addr/ pr_node_addr

Description: NHRP cannot process all or part of the NHRP packet because there is an IPX address in the packet that matches one that is configured in the NHRP exclude list.



Short Syntax: NHRP.227 function_name: general_message proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.227 function_name: general_message proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr

Description: The message is the description.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.228 caller_string free learp mac-rd elem for nxt hp addr= prot_net_addr/ prot_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.228 caller_string free learp mac-rd element for next hop addr= prot_net_addr/ prot_node_addr

Description: Free LEARP_MAC_RD_ENTRY for the specified protocol address.



Short Syntax: NHRP.229 Could not delete Imp Cache entry for dest= proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr, pfx= prefix, cid= cacheid

Long Syntax: NHRP.229 Could not delete Imposition Cache entry for dest= proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr, prefix= prefix, cacheid= cacheid

Description: Deleting an Imposition Cache entry for e-mpc initiated purge failed



Short Syntax: NHRP.230 caller_string dtctd dst unreachable to proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.230 caller_string detected destination unreachable to proto_net_addr/ proto_node_addr

Description: The caller has no route to the specified destination.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.231 NHS sending a reply_type to src_proto_net_addr/ src_proto_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.231 NHRP Server sending a reply_type to src_proto_net_addr/ src_proto_node_addr

Description: NHRP Server is sending a the specified reply to the specified client.


Level: U_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.233 caller_string rcvd err rc from IPX Route Table for ipx_net_addr/ ipx_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.233 caller_string received error return code from IPX Routing Table for ipx_net_addr/ ipx_node_addr

Description: Notification that there is a ipx routing error.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.234 caller_string rcvd a req for ipx_net_addr/ ipx_node_addr which is one of our proto addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.234 caller_string received a request ipx_net_addr/ ipx_node_addr, which is one of our protocol address

Description: We received a request to shortcut to one of our protocol addresses.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.235 ipx_net_addr/ ipx_node_addr is LEC on net intf net_number, but it's not an MPC/MPS

Long Syntax: NHRP.235 ipx_net_addr/ ipx_node_addr is LEC on network interface net_number, but it's not an MPC/MPS

Description: The ipx_addr on the ELAN associated with net_number is not an MPC/MPS

Cause: MPOA is not enabled/supported on one side or the other

Action: No action required if NHRP packet is being received at ipx_addr; however, if the LEC associated with ipx_addr is an MPC or MPS, check configuration of both sides


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.236 Add purge entry for dest_net= dest_net_addr, nh= nh_net_addr/ nh_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.236 Adding new purge cache entry for dest net= dest_net_addr and nh= nh_net_addr/ nh_node_addr

Description: Adding new purge cache entry


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.237 Cache Imp msg: rid= reqid, dest= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr, pfx= prefix, cid= cacheid, ht= holding_time, nt= netno

Long Syntax: NHRP.237 Cache Imposition msg: reqid= reqid, dest= dest_net_addr/ dest_node_addr, prefix= prefix, cacheid= cacheid, htime= holding_time net= netno

Description: MPOA Cache Imposition Request/Reply



Short Syntax: NHRP.238 caller can't add purge entry for dest_net= dest_net_addr, nh= nh_net_addr/ nh_node_addr

Long Syntax: NHRP.238 caller can't Add new purge cache entry for dest net= dest_net_addr and nh= nh_net_addr/ nh_node_addr

Description: The above routine can't add new purge cache entry


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: NHRP.239 function_name: general_message general_code general_message general_code

Long Syntax: NHRP.239 function_name: general_message general_code general_message general_code

Description: The message is the description.

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